
Sunday, February 24, 2013

How colors affect our mood!

How colors affect our mood!

How colors affect our mood!
We are able to see around 7,000,000 colors; some blends can create a clash of the senses where as other color combinations create an atmosphere of harmony and balance. Some color has different meaning in different cultures. Many designers,athletes,restaurateurs,advertisers, health care providers and teachers are now building on their knowledge about color.to improve health, efficiency, mood, performance, and appetite.

How colors affect our mood!
Here is a most popular colors and their accepted behavioral and health related meanings:

Romance, excitement, energy, dominance. Increases performance on difficult tasks and athletic spirit.
How colors affect our mood!

Cleanliness, innocence, simplicity, purity. Health professionals wear white to evoke sterility.

How colors affect our mood!
Power, sophistication, formality, elegance, independence, depthAuthority, and style.

Black is generally associated with the absence of light, so when it is painted on the walls it will make a room feel smaller and darker.

How colors affect our mood!
Earth, nature, safety, stability, elegance. Brown is a very neutral color and gives off a nature vibe And It is the color of Mother Earth. 

How colors affect our mood!
Hope, comfort, relaxation, naturalness. Connected to nature; promotes a sense of calmness.

How colors affect our mood!
Coldness, loyalty, peace, professionalism. Associate with the sky and ocean. Increases Proficiency in creative work.

How colors affect our mood!
Liveliness, happiness, cheerfulness. Brightness of sun, summer and flower. Boosts optimism.
Right choice of colors can create a haven for relaxation that can increase efficiency, stimulate mind and raise energy levels.

How colors affect our mood!
Thermal or warm colors of red, yellow and orange are stimulating, strengthen, raise blood pressure, and tonify.

How colors affect our mood!
Electrical or cool colors of blue, calm, indigo, ease inflammation, violet sedate and lower blood pressure.

Physiologically color/light reaches the hypothalamus, that regulates the pituitary gland. Each color has a different wavelength and his initiates’ specific responses in the nervous system.

How colors affect our mood!
Newborns with jaundice are placed in blue light Seasonal Affective Disorder; (sad) is treated with full-spectrum light.

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