
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Chikoo Delight

Chikoo Delight

chikoo 4
egg 7
bread slices 4to5 (remove the crust)
milk powder 6 tbs
cardamom powder pinch
vanilla essence little
sugar 6 tbs


ln a mixie jar first blend 4 egg with required amount of sugar,3tb full milk power ,,caradamom powder,Mean time take a non stick pot.apply some
oil or ghee at the bottom n sides of the pot...pour little egg mixture (refer the step by step pic)soon place the bread slices,,press it gently with ur fingers,,
bread must soak the mixture,,Again spread the egg mixture to it,,close the lid,,cook it n very low flame till it come half set,,(it will take only 3,4 minutes)while we can repeat the same procedure with chikoo,,(3 egg +sugar+milk power+vanilla+chikoo)spread this mixture on top to the bread mix,,cover it,,cook it more 15 ..to 20 minute,,,when done open it &if needed turn the other side carefully to the greased fry pan &cook
  more 2to 3 minute..now it ready to serve,,u can refridgrate before serving,,(it taste better)

tip...place a plain lid under the nonstick pot before cooking,,so it will not get burn texture

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