
Saturday, January 18, 2014

bihari kabab

bihari kabab
bihari kabab
bihari kabab

1 kg boneless beef strips or chicken (breast strips)
Some olive oil to glaze the pan
1 cup raw papaya paste (green papaya paste)(with skin)
1 ½ cup fried onions
1 tbspns ginger garlic paste
1 cup plain yogurt
¼ cup vinegar

2 tbspns coriander powder
2 tbspns red chilli powder
1 tspn paprika
Salt to taste
1 tspn red chilli flakes
Some carom seeds
2 bay leaves (powder form preferred)
1 tspn black cumin
1 tspn cumin powder
1 cardamom black (crushed)
1 green cardamom (crushed)
½ tspn garam masala

2 green chillies sliced
Some coriander chopped
Some cucumber slice
Some tomato slice
Some onion rings

-In a mixing bowl mix all the ingredients except oil, green chilllies and coriander ,cucumber,onion rings,tomato skice,and keep it aside (refrigerator) for 20 hours. (mix good with your hands)

-If you don’t have a BBQ grill at home, line a pan with aluminum foil and grease the foil with some olive oil. Put the marinated mixture in it and bake in preheated oven (160 degrees Celsius) for approximately 90 minutes.

-If you have BBQ grill at home, thread the meat on the skewers and cook on very low heat until they are done.

-Take your dish out on a plate and serve hot with garlic nan or tandoori roti.

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