
Friday, February 22, 2013

Home-Made Cone Molds

Home-Made Cone Molds

Home-Made Cone Molds
image credit FAuzia's Kitchen Fun

All you need is some manila paper or any semi-hard paper. Cut into rectangles and roll them up into cones, you can then staple them to maintain the conical shape. Then cut up a piece of foil and wrap it around the cone to prevent the paper from burning in the oven. Tuck the foil from the top opening of the cone to hold it in place, but you don't have to line the inside of the paper cones, just the outsides.

You can then re-use these cone-molds a couple of times, you will just need to change out the foils and use new ones for the next batch.

Before baking using them, you will need to grease the molds preferably with butter to make sure your bread does not stick to the molds.

To shape the bread, roll pieces of dough into long ropes. Starting from the bottom tip of the cone mold, start rolling the 'rope' round and round keeping the spirals close to each other. Then bake as per the recipe.


  1. If you’re in doubt of any unpleasant growth in your house, you should simply assume there is a problem whenever you see mold or smell mold odors. Testing should never take the place of visual inspection (which is recommended) and it should never use up resources that are needed to correct moisture problems and remove visible growth.
    People used to think that molds were harmless but it isn’t. The fact is, some molds produce a toxin called aflatoxin (toxic and among the most carcinogenic substances known) that causes illness and death in people.
    Sometimes, mold growth is hidden and difficult or hard to locate and find. In such cases, carefully conducted sampling and visual inspection may help determine the location of contamination. However, mold testing is rarely useful for trying to answer questions or inquiries about health concerns. For more information, see mold testing services

  2. thank you!! :D i've been looking for a cheap way to make these. i wanna try making challah cornets.
