
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

hot chocolate with whipped cream recipe

hot chocolate with whipped cream
(by lal majid)

chocolate 4ozlow fat milk 2 cups cocoa 2tbsp
superfine sugar 4tbsp
heavy cream well chilled 2/3 cup 

Grate the chocolate. Heat the milk, cocoa and sugar in a pan. Remove from heat add the grated chocolate and whisk the mixture at high speed for at least 2 minutes. Beat the cream to firm peaks. When the hot chocolate is very foamy serve it immediately in large mugs topped with 2 tablespoons of the whipped cream. Sprinkle a little bit of cocoa over it.

Always use the best quality chocolate that you can afford. Stay away from powder and syrup. Although these can be used if you are desperate, you will definitely get better results if you use the 'real stuff'. Milk, dark or white chocolate.
Use approximately 30g of chocolate per person, with an equal amount of cream.Be patient when melting your chocolate. Do this slowly over low-medium heat using a double boiler. Make sure you don't burn the chocolate. Avoid using microwave to melt your chocolate, this causes the chocolate to melt at different rates and you are more likely to burn your chocolate using this method. Add the cream once the chocolate is completely melted.
Add equal quantities of milk and water to the chocolate-cream mix and warm to a suitable temperature without boiling.

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