
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Beauty tips For Pimples And Blemishes

Beauty tips For Pimples And Blemishes By DR Khurram 

Beauty tips for PIMPLES:
For getting rid of pimples, take a ¼ cup of cold milk add few drops of rosewater, mix finely crushed Quaker oats, you can add also a pinch of turmeric powder to it too. Apply on the face for 15 minutes.

Don’t rub on your skin. Wash your face with cold water and spray medicated rose water on your face. If your skin is normal to dry then you can use yoghurt instead of milk.Apply cucumber juice on the affected area. It soothes irritation and itchy pimples.

Mix 4 tsp bees-wax, a pinch of borax, 4 teaspoon coconut oil, 5 teaspoon mineral water, 1 teaspoon glycerin and 4 teaspoon cucumber juice. Apply daily on face. Leave for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Wash face with rosewater.Washing the face 2-3 times a day is beneficial. Orange peel powder, made by powdering dry orange peels can be used for washing the face in place of soap. It is refreshing and smells good too.Oil massages increase the blood flow in veins and exhaust dirt and sweat from the body. These are found to be beneficial in the treatment of pimples.One of the most common advices in connection with the reduction of pimples is overcoming the tendency to touch, squeeze, pinch or prick the pimples. Keeping the hands off pimples can be useful in preventing further infection and scarring.


Beauty tips for BLEMISHES:
Take 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon orange juice, 1 tablespoon carrot juice, half tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon yeast & half tablespoon yogurt mix and apply on your face for half an hour. Then wash your face with rosewater. Do this daily.Lemon juice, potato juice and cucumber juice are regarded as excellent natural home remedies for Face Blemishes removal.
Dip a piece of cotton wool in unboiled milk and wipe on the face with it. It also cleans unseen dirt and goes down to pores. Applying mashed green papaya for fifteen minutes is one of the easiest natural cures for removing Face Blemishes at home. Combination of mashed papaya and milk also gives better results.
Mix two tablespoons of vinegar, one tablespoon of rose water and some cucumber juice and apply the resultant solution on dark patches to get rid of Face Blemishes.
 Soak 4 almonds in water overnight. In the morning, remove their skin and then grind them, add some honey and a few drops of lemon juice in the grinded mixture.

Finally, apply this paste on the face for about twenty minutes and then wash it off. This is one of the best home remedies for Face Blemishes natural treatment.

1 comment:

  1. That's such a informative tip for pimples. I used to apply lime, honey, and curd paste on my face. It used to give some relief from pimples but I was not very satisfied. I guess I should give your tips a try.
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