
Friday, July 20, 2012

Bad foods

If you are of opinion that following foods are not good for health then you need to change your mind.
These are not bad foods at all.

Two leveled table spoon of peanut butter contains16 grams of fat (180calories) though it is high in fat but it does not mean it is fattening. It tastes good and really nutritious and helps in appetite regulation. Peanut butter provides protein and folate (B vitamin important for healthy development of new cells).
A teaspoon of whole nut variety carries only 30 calories. Peanut butter consumption is associated with lower total cholesterol, lower LDL (low density lipoprotein, bad cholesterol) and lower triglycerides, all are associated with lower cardio cardiovascular disease risk.

Eat only teaspoonful of natural peanut butter smeared on couple of oat cakes (under 150 calories) with no added sweeteners.

When you need to choose among margarine (hydrogenated vegetable oil), buttery spread (mixture of soybean and canola oils extracted and oxidized by industrial solvents to form butter substitute) and liquid vegetable oils, always prefer butter.

Butter contains heat stable monounsaturated fats(human adipose tissue contains mostly the same and is body’s preferred fat for energy storage for later use).Excess glucose is even converted to palmitic acid(saturated fat before storage)if saturated fat is toxic why nature made our bodies to produce this in large quantity for energy storage. This needs your consideration. Butter from grass fed varieties of animals is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids and extremely low in omega 6, as long as you are not consuming lot of omega 6 you don’t need to eat omega 3; There is also CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) in grass fed animal varieties butter which is a naturally occurring trans-fat and have potential anticancer properties.
Grass fed varieties animal butter and cheese contain vitamin K2 which has potent anticancer, anti-osteoporosis and anti-atherosclerosis effects. One ounce of cheese contains130 calories.
Always choose individually wrapped fat free cheese.

Avoid ---oils rich in omega 6 fatty acids like corn oil and vegetable oil and prefer to consume virgin coconut oil (120calories per table spoon)

 which contains medium chain triglycerides and metabolize faster than long chain varieties e.g. sunflower oil. They are rarely stored as fat because body prefer to use them for energy. It is found that supplementing women’s diet with 2 table spoon of coconut oil per day fueled reduction in abdominal obesity and elevation of HDL (high density lipoprotein, good cholesterol) level but there was no negative impact on LDL or blood pressure.

Saturated fats and trans-fats are known as major cause in raising blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol (in egg yolk). People who eat egg in breakfast felt more satisfied and ate less at lunch.
Egg yolk contain lutein and zeaxanthin which are linked with reduced risk for age related macular degeneration (AMD) which is the leading cause of blindness in people over 50years of age, egg also contain choline(micro nutrient necessary for fat metabolism and lipid clearance from liver)which protects against fatty liver, choline is the precursor of acetylcholine( important brain chemical in the formation of retention of memory),egg yolk also contain pre formed vitamin A which our body absorbs  far better than beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin K2 and some omega 3 fatty acids. Single egg yolk contains nearly recommended daily allowance (RDA) for dietary cholesterol and also contains zinc, iron, vitamin A and Vitamin D
Egg white alone do not tastes good and is nutritionally bereft also, egg yolk do not adversely affect cardiovascular system.

Hardboiled egg makes a great snack and has only around 70 calories, make it sure it should not be accompanied by fattening companions such as butter, bacon and cheese.

Red meat is considered to be associated with heart diseases and wide waist lines but red meat is stellar source of satisfying protein (known ally in weight management), it requires time and energy to digest and helps to gain metabolically active muscles which burn more calories at rest than fat.
Grass fed varieties contains high concentration of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which is associated with lower body fat percentage. CLA disrupts enzymes that help deposit and store fat.

Lean cuts of beef are low fat, source of protein and iron (mineral essential for carrying oxygen from lungs to cells throughout the body) and child bearing women are particularly deficient in it.
Select deep red steaks with relatively small amount of fat.

Potatoes have high glycemic index(GI),tends to cause spike in blood sugar and insulin helps glucose get into the cells, it is considered that it can cause some problem to diabetics but potatoes are good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C . A high GI potato becomes a low GI meal if added with little olive oil because it slows down the absorption of potato carbohydrates.

If you want baked potatoes don’t add topping of butter or cheese on it instead use plain yoghurt.

Green banana difficult to eat but it contains a type of dietary fiber known as resistant starch that our body cannot absorb and gives the feeling of fullness, also smell of banana helps reduce appetite. Resistant starch increases post meal fat burning. Butyrate is the byproduct of unabsorbed carbohydrates (which inhibit the body’s ability to burn carbohydrates forcing it to burn fat).

Make a smoothie of green banana in blender and sip it. 


  1. Hi Shamila! I agree that these are not bad foods, especially butter and cheese. Almost every day I consume cheese for my vitamin K. :P

  2. I will surely gonna try it on coming weekend. Thanks for the idea.
